The Supreme Court issued its opinion this week, barring the president of the United States from enforcing International Treaties on U.S. states without Congress' approval.
While countless political pundits have called the decision a major defeat for Bush, who tried to force Texas to acknowledge Vienna Convention and reconsider a death penalty sentence for a Mexican foreign national, it seems it's really a win-win situation for the U.S.

Maybe Bush really didn't agree with the international treaty, but knew the supreme court would assert its global supremacy in the ultimate world arena. That way, without having to take the fall for disregarding the laws of the world court, he could shift the burden onto the supreme court while saying, "I did everything I could." After all, it's better when SOMEONE wins.
So maybe the set up was ripe for American political muscling, and in fact it was a victory for Bush, not a defeat.
Either way, it's not clear he really cares.
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