"This is a pull quote."
-- Meriah Doty, USC Adjunct Professor

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Political Slide Show

All photography by Joe Shmo
"This is a pull quote" Meriah

Thursday, March 27, 2008

PETA would be mad: Funny quotes on the campaign trail

Which quote is funnier??

1) "When we were in college we used to take a popcorn popper -- because that was the only thing they would let us have in the dorms -- and fry squirrels in the popcorn popper," said Mike Huckabee (see the video below)


2) "PETA is not happy that my dog likes fresh air," said Mit Romney laughing about strapping his dog to the top of his car. (see video below)

Presidential candidates are always talking about how to get us out of Iraq, fix the economy, and improve health care. At least while they're not reminiscing about popcorn-fried squirrels and strapping they're dogs to the roofs of their cars. PETA would probably not be too happy with either Mit Romney or Mike Huckabee for their confessions. Perhaps that's why they're out of the running. However, quotes like these remind us that politicians arent always (or were'nt always) straight-faced fighters. It's always nice to be reminded that politicians are humans too - with a sense of humor and some funny memories to reminisce about.

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