"This is a pull quote."
-- Meriah Doty, USC Adjunct Professor

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Political Slide Show

All photography by Joe Shmo
"This is a pull quote" Meriah

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Imrpoving his image?

So I was talking to my mom about politics today - very odd topic for us. She's a staunch Republican and I have no clue what the hell I am...moderate I guess. I'm still formulating my opinions. But anyway, she said something that was pretty interesting...she said: "Voting is a popularity contest these days, especially for young people. It's about the name you know, and how you perceive that name."

So I took a look at this. Maybe that falls into partly why the youth tend to vote Democratic...I mean, Sen. Barack Obama is all about connecting with the people. Sen. Hillary Clinton is an open book - there are no surprises. America has known the ins and outs of her family and history for years.

So what about Sen. John McCain? Doesn't really fit in, huh? He always seemed to me like a robot - you know, one of those military men who got where he is through "loving their country" and "patriotism."
But where was his heart? Where was his sense of family values...or any of his past NOT related to the military?

So I think he got the memo. I think that's what this whole Biography Tour is all about. Stopping at various spots throughout the United States that have mattered most to him throughout his life is a heartfelt way to show America the personal, not political John McCain. And to be honest, it's a damn good idea. Listening to him speak about gaining respect from his father and the importance of his family life growing up, to his days in high school on the junior varsity football team, I finally felt like McCain became a person. Got rid of his robot thing he had going on.

That's what analysts say..that he's using this time to "fix" his image with America before the Democrats can define it for him. And I say, what's wrong with that?

I mean, if my mom's theory holds true at all, the better McCain makes his image, the more votes he's going to get...especially from American youth.

Sen. John McCain speaks in Meridian, MS on Monday - his first stop on his biography tour.

Sen. John McCain speaks in Alexandria, VA on Tuesday - his second stop on his biography tour and the site of his high school.

He went to Annapolis, MD on Wednesday, where he attended the Naval Academy and Pensacola, FL Today. To get more information on those trips and his full biography, click here.

1 comment:

Meriah said...

Great post Liana -- written in 1st person and really relatable. Also packed full with relavent facts and embedded videos. 10pts!