"This is a pull quote."
-- Meriah Doty, USC Adjunct Professor

This is a gallery title

All photography by Joe Shmo

Political Slide Show

All photography by Joe Shmo
"This is a pull quote" Meriah

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dan Rather broadcasts from the USC Annenberg School of Communication

Students, eager to learn from highly respected journalist Dan Rather, got their opportunity on Monday and Tuesday as he held a question and answer session and broadcasted live from the Annenberg east lobby. Rather, who has covered the presidential elections since 1952, discussed the current political climate, which he expressed as an exciting time for politics. While he did not endorse any canidate, he did draw comparisons between Sen. Barack Obama and former national leaders such as President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. On Tuesday night, Rather broadcasted for five hours covering the primaries as the votes came in. To learn more about his visit click here.

1 comment:

Meriah said...

Great that you're posting pictures to the blog. This is huge! I would have liked to hear more of an opinionated (dare I say, somewhat snarky) take on Dan's visit... maybe pull one or two eye-opening highlights (did he say anything controversial? newsworthy? -- lede with that). Counting your slideshow too you get 9 out of 10 points.