"This is a pull quote."
-- Meriah Doty, USC Adjunct Professor

This is a gallery title

All photography by Joe Shmo

Political Slide Show

All photography by Joe Shmo
"This is a pull quote" Meriah

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Voters Go On Record—Anecdotes and Empowerment

“Yes, I was enthusiastic because it was my first time voting. It was exciting. I was kind of nervous; I didn’t want to do it wrong. But when I was done, I felt accomplished. I did something grown-up and participated in something special.”

Justine Garcia, Junior, Policy Planning and Development

"It took me all of about 30 seconds. I spent the morning reading up on the propositions, researching and figuring out my S's from my elbows. So I got in the booth...and I totally forgot. I froze up. I had to pull out my sample ballot to remember."

Mickey Hirano Culross, 41, Sports Editor Rafu Shimpo newspaper

1 comment:

Meriah said...

Cool quotes. Pics would have enhanced 'em. Counting your prior post, where you got officials on the record (awesome!) you get 9 out of 10 points.