"This is a pull quote."
-- Meriah Doty, USC Adjunct Professor

This is a gallery title

All photography by Joe Shmo

Political Slide Show

All photography by Joe Shmo
"This is a pull quote" Meriah

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

On Record On Super Tuesday

Charlie Wu, current chair of the board of CAUSE, thinks the democratic front-runner after today's primaries will be determined based on the age of the voters:

“I think it depends on what age group turns out. I assume the older voters that remember fondly Bill Clinton in the 90’s will vote for Hillary. I think the younger people will vote for Obama.”

Gavin Hachiye Wasserman,
president of the Japanese American Republicans, is sold on the overall voter enthusiasm being fueled in large part to an emphatic youth movement. He only wishes people got as pumped up for elections as they do for that other recent cultural tradition:

“It would be great if people were always as hyped for an election as they are for the Super Bowl. The people of the United States have died for our democracy it deserves this kind of attention.”


Meriah said...

Great sources/quotes! Seems to need further context (did the interviews take place today?). Pics would be a plus too.

Meriah said...

Oh.. I see -- the headline suggests interviews took place today. Still.. an intro would work well here.